Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas Recap

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!  I know we sure did.  This was our first married Christmas, which made it extra special.  This year we did our rounds and made sure that we got to spend time with both of our families.  We started our Christmas break at Mr. T's house.  I was able to take the entire week of Christmas off this year so we got to spend several days with each family.

Mr. T's family always goes to Christmas Eve church service, and I'm glad I've been able to join them on that tradition for the last two years.  I love singing Christmas songs at church and the candle lighting is always so beautiful at the end.

Before Christmas Eve Church Service
After church we went and ate dinner with T's uncle and his family.

With my MIL and FIL

Christmas morning we woke up, packed up, and headed down the road to my house. We had just a few hours of opening gifts at my house and then we packed up again and headed to Raleigh to see my extended family.

Christmas Morning, mimosas in hand

Christmas Eve and Christmas day were such a whirlwind, but it was all so worth it.  It was great being able to see everyone at Christmas time.

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