Lots has happened since I last blogged a month and a half ago. Most importantly, we announced that we're expecting a baby in May! T and I couldn't be more thrilled to be pregnant with our first child, and it's even more exciting that I'm just 7 weeks behind my sister April who's pregnant with her second baby.
Here's a little peek at my progress so far.
11 Weeks
On Halloween, we broke the news to our close friends using my costume. A skeleton top with a little baby skeleton waving in my tummy.

12 Weeks
We finally received the great news and confirmation we were waiting to hear from my doctor, that everything was looking great and progressing normally.

13 Weeks
We waited until the 13 week mark to go public on social media. There were a few family members that we wanted to wait to tell in person, so we held out until Thanksgiving day to announce.

17 Weeks
I had no problem taking weekly pictures and writing a pregnancy journal post for weeks 8-13, but then things got crazy and I got lazy. So no updates until week 17, which is where I am now!
I am keeping a weekly pregnancy journal, but for now I've decided to keep that just for me. There are so many things that I want to record, but don't necessarily think I'd want to share for the whole world to read on here. (I'll spare you my current cup size...you're welcome) I always have loved to read what other pregnant women are going through, especially when I was newly pregnant and wanted to read everything I could about it. So here's a little rundown of what I've been doing and how I've been feeling.
Loving- All the fruit I can eat. And pizza, and ice cream, and McDonalds. Ew, I know. I eat like a kindergartener these days. Veggies just don't taste as good as they used to, but I do make myself have as many servings of vegetables as I can.
Loathing- Not being able to imbibe in any Holiday cocktails. The no drinking thing has really not been that hard, I just haven't wanted it at all which was surprising to me. But lately I've been pining for a Holiday cocktail of some sort, especially something with champagne.
Workouts- Workouts during my first trimester were non-existent. Between the nausea, constant tiredness, and getting winded so easily it just wasn't happening. Now that I'm in my second trimester I've really been enjoying prenatal yoga, and have found several Youtube videos that I do throughout the week.
Husband- He's been great. I think it's really started to hit him more now that I'm actually showing a bit. I've started to feel a few flutters this week, and I can't wait until I get to the point where he can actually feel the baby kick. The poor man has had to take over litter box duty, his least favorite chore in the whole world. He's so dramatic every time he does it. I just laugh to myself and think, oh, just you wait for a baby with a stomach bug. A litter box has nothing on that.
Gender- We were able to have the gender determined at our 16 week ultrasound, but T and I both looked away as the sonographer did her thing. She wrote the gender in a sealed envelope and sent it with us. We'll open it on Christmas Eve with our families, and I cannot wait. It's going to be the best Christmas gift ever.
Symptoms- Other than a few weeks of nausea early on, I've been feeling great. I actually haven't even taken a nap since I've been pregnant. Around week 10 I started developing some back pain, which has been constant ever since. Prenatal yoga and a few visits to a chiropractor thankfully have helped tremendously. It's also a great excuse to get prenatal massages on the reg, which I'm not complaining about one bit.
Maternity Clothes- Maternity pants are a must, and have been since midway through my first trimester. Although I don't have a huge tummy, I can't stand for things to be tight on my stomach. So I welcomed that full panel with open arms as soon as I could. I have a couple of maternity tops, but I'm trying to hold out for as long as I can before buying more. Just wearing tunics and loose tops most days.
And that's it! The first 17 weeks have flown by, and I can't believe how close I am to being halfway through this pregnancy. So far it's been an amazing experience, and I think it will only get better and better from here!