This weekend our little family of three packed up the car and headed to North Carolina for a weekend with our extended family. I was a little apprehensive about traveling with a three week old, but Thompson handled it like a champ. He loves to ride in the car, so he snoozed the entire ride there and back. This was the first time my extended family got to meet him, so he was passed around by aunts, uncles, and cousins for the entire weekend. I loved that he got to meet so many family members, and T and I were so thankful to get a teeny break from baby duty.

Before we left, we got the go-ahead from our pediatrician for Thompson to take his first dip in the pool. He loves a bath, so I was hoping he'd feel the same about the pool. And he sure did, I think we've got ourselves a water baby. My niece, Charlotte, who's six weeks older than Thompson took her first pool dip, too. I just love that Charlotte and Thompson are so close in age, and that that they'll get to experience many firsts together.
Hope y'all had a great weekend, too!