Thursday, October 2, 2014

October Goals

Lately I've been feeling like life is passing by so quickly, and I'm not taking advantage of the time I have.  I work, eat, sleep, find a few days each week for a glass of wine and a workout, and that's about it.   I've neglected so many things on my-do list for too long.  So, in hopes of holding myself a wee bit more accountable, I want to share my October goals with you.

Sharing all of the details of my Whole 30 challenge last month really helped me stay on track, and kept me more accountable for all of my slip-ups along the way. So without further ado, here's what I hope to accomplish this month.

Throw away/donate/consign 15 articles of clothing-  Its about time to switch out summer clothing for my fall and winter wardrobe.  Every season there are things hanging in my closet that I never wear, and I need to suck it up and get rid of them. 

Fix the wall in our kitchen...again- George ate a hole in our kitchen wall, for the second time.  We fixed this a few months ago in hopes that he was out of that stage, but it looks like he wasn't quite done. It's time once again to get out the bucket of plaster and patch that baby up.

Make our yard and front stoop more inviting-  I've neglected the outside of our house for too long.  We were lucky that the previous owner had a landscaper do a cleanup before we moved in, but it's high time to give the outside some love.  We've been in the house for almost a year now, and just mowing the grass isn't cutting it.  It's time to put some real work into the yard and our front stoop.  T and I both loathe yard work, so this is the most daunting item on my list.

Try 5 new recipes- Out of convenience and lack of time, I've been falling back to the recipes that I've been making for years.  It's time to throw a few new recipes into the mix. I've got a growing list of recipes I've been wanting to try on my Pinterest boards, so I need to start going through them. 

Do something with the box of crap in our guest room- When we moved in to our house I started filling a box with items that didn't have a place to live.  Well, 10 months later that box still lives in our guestroom, and has been growing.  It's time that I finally go through everything in there and either find a place for it or give it away.

And that's it.  There are hundreds of other things I'd love to accomplish this month, but I'm keeping it simple and within reach.  I should be posting some updates along the way, given that I'm successful in crossing off everything on my list.  Wish me luck!

Do you have any goals for this month?  I'd love to hear what's on your list!


  1. My main goal is to make it through Whole30. Today is Day 3 and I'm going strong. Your blog has really helped me. I made the roast and roasted zucchini and carrots so far and both were yummy! We are making the hot wings tonight. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. My October goals are very similar to yours - our office is filled with clothing to consign and homeless items from our move last year. Not to mention the yardwork that needs to be accomplished! Good luck!


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